Anchored in Equity and Access
OneFuture connects leaders from education, business, nonprofits, and community organizations to align efforts toward a common vision: that every student will achieve their academic and career dreams, contribute their gifts and provide leadership to the future of our region.
Today, thousands of Coachella Valley students are on the path to success in college, career and life. This is how we change an economy.
When our youth succeed, our community thrives!
OneFuture Coachella Valley exists to assure students succeed in college, career and life – expanding and enhancing the local workforce so that our youth and economy thrive.
Core Strategies
As an Alignment USA and Ford Next Generation Learning community, OneFuture Coachella Valley is providing students with meaningful career explorations in partnership with our school districts and colleges, practical work experience with our local business partners, and support for our students as they navigate college and become the future’s educated workforce.
OneFuture Coachella Valley administers a Scholar Success Program in partnerships with partners in the annual selection and award of scholarships for students from the Coachella Valley. Since 2009, more than $18 million in scholarships to 3,000+ students have been awarded. In addition, OneFuture convenes teams to support programs for young men through our Gents Alliance and resources for migrant students in partnership with CSUSB through the CAMP (College Assistance Migrant Program) and Riverside County Office of Education.
OneFuture Coachella Valley convenes twelve cross-sector Alignment Teams with more than 300 active members representing 114 organizations who volunteer more than 2200 hours annually to support students.
Together, the cross-sector collaborative cohort of educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, government, and businesses, created the Regional Plan for College and Career Success to guide our community to support our students to pursue and persist in their educational journey, ensuring they become the educated workforce of the future. The plan is a living document that was recently expanded and updated as the “Regional Plan for College and Career Success 2.0” designed to guide our community to strive for excellence to expand student success, positively impacting their families and our region.